Summary: The former comedian and current Senator Al Franken has been accused of groping and forcefully kissing a woman while on a...
Summary: Costa Mesa attorney Robyn Lynnette Pool has been formally disbarred and ordered to pay over $300,000 in restitution to dozens of...
Summary: The end of the year is a great time for lawyers to get out there and find a new job at...
Summary: A former Fargo attorney previously disbarred in Minnesota has now been disbarred in North Dakota. Attorney Jesse David Matson was already...
Summary: A lawsuit has been filed against Harvey Weinstein for sexual battery in a Beverly Hills hotel room in 2015 and 2016....
Summary: An animal rights group is suing for elephants being kept at the Connecticut Zoo to receive legal personhood. An animal rights...
Summary: Congress has been discussing sexual harassment matters in the Capitol with the House holding a hearing on the matter. Women will...
Summary: The challenge against California’s law requiring pregnancy centers to provide abortion information is being taken on by the Supreme Court. The...
Summary: The former Florida state representative who admitted to having sex with clients 17 years ago is finding himself under the same...
Summary: Actor Alec Baldwin has settled with the owner of a gallery who sold him a fake painting by Ross Bleckner called...
Summary: Robert Mueller has turned his investigation into Russia to an alleged meeting between Mike Flynn and Rep. Dana Rohrabacher over a...
Summary: Greeneville attorney Edward Kershaw disrespected a victim during testimony and the judge trying to keep him under control. A Greeneville attorney...