Have I got a job for you! Just how much money would it take to get you to do this job? Check...
Summary: Ever wonder what happens when you forget history or are nationally arrogant? Find out what happened when these people did just that...
Summary: This commercial is so cute, I’ll bet you can’t watch it just once. Enjoy!
A Kauai, Hawaii law firm is looking for a litigation associate with personal injury and/or criminal law experience. They are looking for a...
Summary: Watch comedian/entertainer Tim Hawkins take an assortment of old rock songs and update them to represent the baby boomers of today...
Summary: An introduction to Harrison Barnes’ article about the importance of marketing yourself to a lot of law firms during your job...
It looks like Noah’s going to have a hard time breeding the lions…
The idea of spending a few years abroad can be very appealing. A stint working in another country can offer a richer...
Close your eyes and forget that she’s a nine year old! In a very short time she has learned to sing most...
Win Perkins, a real estate appraiser who specializes in airport properties, has posted a video he created of Charles Lindbergh’s famous and...
Summary: Here are 18 laws that are not taught in physics class, but that are surprisingly true most of the time. Law...
Summary: Listen as this 5-year-old girl talks to 911 on the phone about her dad having difficulty breathing. She’s not only funny...