Daniel June

The Return of Coat Hanger Abortions

The Return of Coat Hanger Abortions

Summary: Illegal abortions are on the rise. “Never Again” exclaimed the motto of the 300,000 protesters who, wearing coat hangers…

Michael Jordan Donates Multimillion Settlement to Chicago Charities

Michael Jordan Donates Multimillion Settlement to Chicago Charities

Summary: Michael Jordan has donated a multimillion dollar settlement to 23 Chicago nonprofit organizations. Michael Jordan has delivered on his…

Missouri Law Prohibits Dog Tethering for More than 30 Minutes

Missouri Law Prohibits Dog Tethering for More than 30 Minutes

Summary: Springfield Missouri outlaws tethering a dog for more than 30 minutes. Tethering a dog for more than 30 minutes…

Baltimore Braces Itself for Freddie Gray Case Jury’s Verdict

Baltimore Braces Itself for Freddie Gray Case Jury’s Verdict

Summary: Baltimore is anticipating protests in violence in response to possible outcomes of verdict on the Gray case. Baltimore is…

Outstanding Lawyer Edward Mullinix Dies

Outstanding Lawyer Edward Mullinix Dies

Summary: Outstanding lawyer Edward Mullinix died Wednesday. The passing of Edward W. Mullinix, 91, marks the end of a successful…

Trump Wrongly Threatens to Sue Jeb’s Leadership PAC: They Fire Back Complaint Laced with Sarcasm

Trump Wrongly Threatens to Sue Jeb’s Leadership PAC: They Fire Back Complaint Laced with Sarcasm

Summary: Jeb’s leadership PAC responds to Trump’s legal threats with counter-complaint, and sarcasm. One of the fun aspects of lawyering…

China Tries Rights Lawyer for Posting on the Internet

China Tries Rights Lawyer for Posting on the Internet

Summary: An activist Chinese lawyer faces trial for posts on the internet. China faces scrutiny yet again for suppressing free…

New York Judge Strikes DraftKings and FanDuel

New York Judge Strikes DraftKings and FanDuel

Summary: A New York Judge has granted injunctions against Draftkings and FanDuel. After nearly a decade of unregulated success as…

Christian College Wins Right to Bar Gays and Pregnant Women

Christian College Wins Right to Bar Gays and Pregnant Women

Summary: A Christian college, Carson-Newman University, has won the right to discriminate against gays and pregnant women. Carson-Newman University, a…

Dewey Executives to Receive New Trial

Dewey Executives to Receive New Trial

Summary: Dewey's three top executives are being retrialed. Things aren’t over for Dewey & LeBoeuf, and the weary among us…

Dickstein Shapiro on the Verge of Merger

Dickstein Shapiro on the Verge of Merger

Summary: Dickstein Shapiro is strongly considering merging by the end of the year. Oft troubled firm Dickstein Shapiro remains undefeated…

Subway’s Jared Gets 15 Years for Child Porn Charge

Subway’s Jared Gets 15 Years for Child Porn Charge

Summary: Former Subway pitchman Jared Fogle has been served a 15-year sentence for his child-pornography charge. The sentence the judge…