Daniel June

The Return of Coat Hanger Abortions

Summary: Illegal abortions are on the rise. “Never Again” exclaimed the motto of the 300,000 protesters who, wearing coat hangers…

Michael Jordan Donates Multimillion Settlement to Chicago Charities

Summary: Michael Jordan has donated a multimillion dollar settlement to 23 Chicago nonprofit organizations. Michael Jordan has delivered on his…

Missouri Law Prohibits Dog Tethering for More than 30 Minutes

Summary: Springfield Missouri outlaws tethering a dog for more than 30 minutes. Tethering a dog for more than 30 minutes…

Baltimore Braces Itself for Freddie Gray Case Jury’s Verdict

Summary: Baltimore is anticipating protests in violence in response to possible outcomes of verdict on the Gray case. Baltimore is…

Outstanding Lawyer Edward Mullinix Dies

Summary: Outstanding lawyer Edward Mullinix died Wednesday. The passing of Edward W. Mullinix, 91, marks the end of a successful…

Trump Wrongly Threatens to Sue Jeb’s Leadership PAC: They Fire Back Complaint Laced with Sarcasm

Summary: Jeb’s leadership PAC responds to Trump’s legal threats with counter-complaint, and sarcasm. One of the fun aspects of lawyering…

China Tries Rights Lawyer for Posting on the Internet

Summary: An activist Chinese lawyer faces trial for posts on the internet. China faces scrutiny yet again for suppressing free…

New York Judge Strikes DraftKings and FanDuel

Summary: A New York Judge has granted injunctions against Draftkings and FanDuel. After nearly a decade of unregulated success as…

Christian College Wins Right to Bar Gays and Pregnant Women

Summary: A Christian college, Carson-Newman University, has won the right to discriminate against gays and pregnant women. Carson-Newman University, a…

Dewey Executives to Receive New Trial

Summary: Dewey's three top executives are being retrialed. Things aren’t over for Dewey & LeBoeuf, and the weary among us…

Dickstein Shapiro on the Verge of Merger

Summary: Dickstein Shapiro is strongly considering merging by the end of the year. Oft troubled firm Dickstein Shapiro remains undefeated…

Subway’s Jared Gets 15 Years for Child Porn Charge

Summary: Former Subway pitchman Jared Fogle has been served a 15-year sentence for his child-pornography charge. The sentence the judge…