Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the maker of the notorious film “Innocence of Muslims,” which inspired violence and rage in Muslim nations, was in...
The Vatican newspaper has condemned the new “Jesus Wife” scrap as a fake. Unlike the plot of the Da Vince Code, that...
When Ralph Zucker, president of Somerset Development of Lakewood, was attacked by anonymous blog postings, he struggled to pinpoint who to administer...
The notorious Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) may become increasing undermined, de facto, as federal laws sidestep it. Despite DOMA defining marriage...
American Airlines has sent a litigious letter to its pilot’s union late Wednesday claiming that if the pilots didn’t cease their sick-out,...
It sounds like the scenario of countless fairy tales: the king of the land wants to marry off his fickle princess daughter...
Google’s Autonomous Cars are here and have just been legalized in California, the third state to get on board. Governor Jerry Brown...
It seems Conan O’Brien was miffed at Elisabeth Hasselbeck’s forwardness when she, unlike the fawning and praising other women on the show...
Johnny Lewis, who played Kip ‘Half-Sack’ Epps on “sons of Anarchy,” amidst other television and movie roles, and who once dated Kate...
2016: Obama’s America, the U.S.’s second-highest-grossing political documentary, aims to warn of the danger of reelecting Barack Obama to presidency. Naturally, such...
France is marching forward with its president’s manifesto, equalizing hetero- and homosexual marriages and hetero- and homosexual adoption rights; but what’s really...
In biology, the greatest changes in a species occur in a bottleneck, or a period of intense survival-of-the-fittest that isolates a few...