Summary: Convicted murderer Dr. Robert Neulander has shifted defense lawyers to Gerald Shargel. The notorious case of Dr. Robert Neulander, recently convicted...
Summary: Bill Baroni has left Hill Wallack LLP to focus on clearing his name from Bridgegate. Though his former coworker David Wildstein...
Summary: Ferguson hires Winston and Strawn lawyer at $1,335 an hour to litigate reforms. While Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson got off the...
Summary: An NYU law school graduate from Harlem has gone missing. An NYU law school graduate who spent most of his time...
Summary: The Geller Law Group offers a family-friendly alternative among law firms. Can women have it all? A full time job, be...
Summary: A California man is suing MillerCoors for presenting their Blue Moon as if it were a craft beer. In today’s litigious...
Summary: A new study notes that the class of 2010 marked the turning point in the legal market. We all know by...
Summary: Latham & Watkins has become the number one grossing firm in the world. Latham & Watkins may have a modest 2,100...
Summary: A single-man has been identified as a major cause in the “Flash crash” of 2010. The “Flash crash” that rocked global...
Summary: Prosecutors have begun Dzokhar Tsarnaev’s sentencing phase by presenting a picture of him flipping off a security camera in his holding...
Summary: A California woman is suing Google for failing to reimburse her for transactions they admit were created by hackers. It’s the...
Summary: Uber Technologies is being sued for refusing taxi service for blind persons and their service dogs. Uber Technologies Inc, the $40...