
Ruling by Supreme Court Will Release 40,000 California Inmates to Decongest Prisons

There is currently overcrowding in California state prisons and a supreme court ruling has seen this as a violation of…

Bingham McCutchen to Pay Almost $2 Million to Legal Recruiter in Lawsuit

Alan Miles, a legal recruiter, has successfully sued the law firm Bingham McCutchen and will receive almost $1.9 Million. Miles…

Safiya and Aisha Gaddafi Leave Libya

Tunisian security reports indicate Safiya and Aisha Gaddafi shook loose from Libya and are now in Tunisia in connection to…

Four Foreign Journalists Released from Jail by Libyan Government

On Wednesday, the Libyan government confirmed that it released four foreign journalists from jail. The released group included two Americans:…

Sanctions Placed on Syrian Government by U.S.

President Barack Obama, Wednesday, held Syrian President Bashar responsible for the deaths of some 27 civilians while placing strong sanctions…

Journalist Missing Since April 29 Finally Free

Journalist Dorothy Parvaz, 39, of Qatar, is free after having been taken prisoner in Syria some time after her disappearance…

TiVo and EchoStar Not Allowed by Court of Appeals to Dismiss Appeal After Settlement

TiVo Inc and EchoStar were denied their bid to dismiss an appeal by the US Court of Appeals after a…

Justice Department Urged to Charge Ensign by Senate Ethics Panel

John Ensign, a former Nevada Senator, resigned from office earlier this month before an imminent investigation by the Senate Ethics…

Department of Justice Petitioned Court of Appeals for Wiretapping Rehearing

Last week, the US Department of Justice reviewed the 2009 Amnesty vs. Blai case that pertained to the potentially illegal…

U.S. Envoy for Middle East Resigns

Only a few days before an important week started in the pursuit of peace in the Middle East, a United…

Mike Huckabee Announces that He Won’t Be Running for President

Mike Huckabee, former Arkansas governor, announced on his self-titled show that he would not be running for the 2012 Republican…