Summary: In the midst of horrific terror in Paris, politicians tweeted about gun rights – prompting a conversation about guns and gun...
Summary: When responding to a report of “suspicious activity,” police in Newport, Oregon find four adorable raccoons that broke into a local...
Summary: Caveat Emptor is a new ongoing series about lawyers and the bad dates they go on. Here, we meet a guy...
Richard Brittain is a self-published amateur writer. He’s also a felon. Brittain, a 28-year-old man living in Great Britain, had posted an...
Summary: Amidst Christians’ complaints about plain red Starbucks cups, questions of religious freedom come up. Starbucks’ choice to debut plain, ombre...
Summary: Thieves steal $43,000 of French Comté cheese to resell on the black market. In France, they take their fromage seriously. The...
Summary: In a recent Supreme Court decision, Sotomayor was the sole dissent in a case regarding police use of deadly force on...
Summary: Cole Leonard, a second year law student, didn’t get to go to Mars, but it sounds like he’s got a...
Summary: A DC cop approaches several high schoolers to break up fight – and it becomes a dance-off. A female cop...
Summary: The Pew Research Institute recently came out with an extensive study polling religious beliefs in America. America seems to be becoming...
Alleged rapist; screengrab via ABC 13 Summary: A 12-year-old girl getting raped is bad enough, but what a detective said about the...
Summary: Is your law firm looking over your shoulder without you even knowing it? Find out in this article. Although most law...