Moving from number two to number one, DLA Piper nudged its rival Baker & McKenzie down a place. The annual global rankings...
The Triangle’s four law schools, Campbell University, Duke, N.C. Central and UNC Law, are now looking towards a total of 825 incoming students,...
Yesterday in Simi Valley, California, more than two dozen people were injured while watching a fireworks show. A wooden platform tipped over...
George Zimmerman is being charged with second degree murder. He is pleading not guilty. He claims that he shot 17 year old...
The Obama administration has decided to delay part of its health care overhaul. This move may help protect Democrats in the upcoming...
Law firm Allen & Overy have increased their revenue. That is good news in these unstable and challenging times. Though growth is...
Terminator 3 actor Nick Stahl is in handcuffs and in jail again. He was arrested by police early in the morning in...
Currently law school applicants are in a decline. As a result most law schools will make choices that change their spending patterns,...
Last night the Egyptian army ousted Egypt’s first democratically elected leader. Former president Mohamed Morsi was thrown out by the Egyptian army....
Fix, Spindelman, Brovitz & Goldman P.C. have combined with Woods Oviatt. According to the Rochester Business Journal, Woods Oviatt is the region’s...
Do you wake and bake? Are you tired of feeling lazy throughout the day? Do you dream of Buddha and green trees?...
Piece by piece George Zimmerman’s credibility is being hacked at. The trial judge in Florida threw out a detective’s statement that he found...