Summary: Hannah Graham, a student from the University of Virginia, has been missing since Saturday. A car was seized and an apartment was...
Summary: The embattled Charleston Law School has received a new suitor in its efforts to be sold. Founder Ed Westbrook has created...
Summary: An attorney from Los Angeles, Svitlana Sangary, has been accused of photoshopping herself into hundreds of pictures with celebrities and world leaders. ...
Summary: The law firm of Bingham McCutchen has lost 22 lawyers from its restructuring practice. The group is led by James Roome, who...
Summary: The law clinic with the Lewis & Clark Law School namesake in Portland will close its doors for good on December 31...
Summary: The law firm of Venable LLP has announced that it is moving its headquarters in Washington, D.C. four blocks north to Massachusetts...
Summary: The Ray Rice scandal has gone to another level with the release of the security footage of the attack on his then-fiance....
Summary: The law firm of Sidley Austin has announced that Cameron F. Kerry has joined the firm as Senior Counsel in both the...
Summary: The law firm of Brown Rudnick has announced that Lawrence Drucker and Alfred Fabricant have joined the IP practice in the New...
Summary: The law firm of Mayer Brown has welcomed Gabriela Sakamoto back to the firm, this time as a partner in the Washington,...
Summary: A young boy asked his mother, A’Driane Nieves, if they are still slaves. Her answer is in the video embedded in this...
Summary: The district attorney for the state of Texas, Greg Abbott, filed an emergency motion that asks the U.S. Court of Appeals to...