Summary: Above the Law’s Elie Mystal Attacks the Waco Police for Indiscriminately Shooting into the Crowd at the Biker Massacre. Elie Mystal opened a...
Summary: Starting your first year at a law firm? Check out our 10 tips for success. The air is crisp, football’s...
Summary: Two of the world’s biggest beer empires may be merging. Two of the biggest beer empires in the world – AB...
Summary: 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed was arrested for bringing a clock to school in Monday. By Wednesday he was tweeting about meeting his...
Summary: Sexual intercourse with a dead body is still legal in several states. One politician in Massachusetts is trying to outlaw...
Summary: A 22-year-old woman burns her boyfriend’s penis with a flat iron for cheating on her. The judge gives her a suspended jail...
Summary: For years Comedian Rannazzisi claimed he was in the WTC on 9/11. He’s finally admitted it was all a lie. Will...
Summary: Gender equality and women’s issues dominated last week’s Above the Law. A central question was, “To what extent is it acceptable to...