Kathryn Wheeler

Some New Recipes!

So for dinner tonight (in the midst of all my reading, blog work, and researching law firms to intern at…

Intern Lunch Series – Local Food!

RUN AWAY!!! THEY'VE ARRIVED!!!! Don't worry... It's just my text books for this semester. Haha, and not even all of…

Death March of the Instant Jello

I have a problem. I call it - new food obsession. As I mentioned in my previous post, I had…

Lazy Afternoon

After doing some blog work at Java Coast I headed to The Counter to meet my cousin, Allie, for lunch.…

Diet Soda Debate

Yay for packages! I order some pictures from Snapfish about a month ago and FINALLY got them! They are pictures…

In a Funk

Last night’s recap: Yesterday I had planned on going to Power Sculpt at Core Power Yoga, but I was just…

Book Review: Snow Flower and the Secret Fan

So today I FINALLY finished reading Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See. Although it's a best seller…

Apple Pie Oatmeal and Q&A

So this morning has been rather thrilling and I can't wait to share it with you all! NOT. Haha, I…

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Guess who got caught in the rain TWICE today?That would be me. Winning.For dinner I decided to try and use…

Busy Morning!

I'm going on a run! Should I really go on a run?I'm going to kick this run's butt! (yes, excessive…

Holy Hot Yoga!

Lesson of the day: DO NOT wear a white cotton t-shirt to a hot yoga class. Look at me all…

Love Me Some Oats!

Good morning all! So why is my blog called "Peace, Love and Oats"? Because I LOVE oatmeal! This morning I…