Kathryn Wheeler

WIAW–Back to Class

Good Morning!!! Today’s What I Ate Wednesday includes all my food from Monday! If you haven’t heard of WIAW, be…

Shut the Front Door!

So, if you read my post yesterday, you’d know that while waiting in the crazy long security line at the…

No Soup For You!

Every time I make soup, I somehow get the phrase “No soup for you!” stuck in my head. I have…

Family Weekend Tidbits

Hey Everyone! Sorry for being MIA yesterday, but it was family weekend time and balancing just hanging out with my…

Turkey Trot 5K

Good Morning everyone! I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! I sure did! My Thanksgiving morning started out with…

Blessing in Disguise

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! So this year is my first holiday having to be gluten and soy free, and I wasn’t…

WIAW–Crazy Schedule Style!

Good morning everyone! I’m putting up the post and then running out the door to catch the bus, then the…

My Roomie and a Full Body Workout!

Happy Tuesday! Guess what happens tomorrow!?!??? Yes, tomorrow is WIAW, but guess what else happens!!!????     I GO HOME!!!!…

Spiralization. Don’t Be Afraid.

So on Saturday, after my 10 miles with Chelsey, I got home to find a very exciting package waiting for…

Every Step Counts 5K

Yesterday morning I was up bright and early: 5:15am So why in the world was I up so early on…

Strawberry Crème Oatmeal

Yesterday morning, I was trying to decide what kind of oats I wanted for breakfast. Then I realized that I…

Tea Time!

To my mother, this phrase should be read “tee time” and refer to the time which she can tee off…