Kathryn Wheeler

A Little Huff and Puff

Good morning all! I’m about to head out on my last long run before my 10 mile race next weekend:…

I am a Superhero.

When I got home from class Wednesday night, I checked the lobby to see if I had any packages… And…

Happy November! (yes, I’m late)

So Tuesday was the first day of November! I kind of missed this since I was still in a post-birthday…

Work Those Legs and WIAW

Today’s WIAW includes my workout from the day! If you haven’t heard of What I Ate Wednesday, check it out…

Birthday 2: Brunch, Cake, and Bedding!

I had to split my birthday stories into two posts, so if you missed my dinner Saturday night (and Molly’s…

Perfect Birthday for the Indecisive

Happy Halloween everyone! If you were having a crazy Halloween weekend and missed my posts, you can check them out…

It’s the Small Things

Hey everyone! Sorry for the lack of posting today, but… It’s my birthday so I’m taking a break! I awoke…

My Present to Myself!

If you hadn’t noticed, I’ve been doing a lot of runs and long runs on the weekends! Why? Well I’m…

This Food is Bananas, B A N A N A S!

Happy Friday everyone!!! This week seemed to just fly by, and the whole time I was DYING for it to…

Some for Them, Some for Me (or not).

  Let me tell you a story.   It’s a story about a girl who was trying very hard. What…

WIAW–Gluten and Soy free style!

So yesterday I told you all that I may have gluten, soy, white sugar and pasteurized milk intolerances (we’ll just…

Taking Big Changes Day by Day…

  Hello Everyone! You may have noticed (or probably not…) that I’ve been using a lot of gluten-free recipes recently.…