Summary: Since a second jury has been unable to decide whether Jodi Arias should receive the death penalty for killing her former...
Summary: Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft is pleased to announce that it has added three high-profile attorneys to its group of partners. According...
Summary: A new ruling from the Alabama Supreme Court has ordered that same-sex marriage is not legal, and that probate judges are...
Summary: DLA Piper has announced that it will merge with Davis, a Canadian firm, and that the merger will be effective in...
Summary: David Petraeus, the former director of the CIA, is rumored to enter a guilty plea for mishandling classified information. According to...
Summary: Although enrollment is down nationwide, law school enrollment has increased, especially at top-tier schools. Although the demand for a law degree...
Summary: The Supreme Court will hear arguments this week as to whether national insurance subsidies should be struck down. According to the...
Summary: A man has been arrested in connection with a violent attack on a Massachusetts attorney. According to the Patriot Ledger, a...
Summary: Yale Law School has announced changes to its unique grading system, a move that is receiving mixed responses from students and...
Summary: Recreational marijuana is now legal in Washington, D.C. leading many to explore the limits of the new laws. According to Reuters,...
Summary: Three partners from Quarles & Brady have been named recipients of the 2015 International Client Choice Award. Quarles & Brady is...
Summary: Apple must pay over $500 million to a company that claimed it infringed several of its patents. According to Reuters, a...