Summary: Joseph F. Coniglio has been named Managing Shareholder of the Dallas office of the international law firm Greenberg Traurig, LLP. The...
Summary: Attorney Peter Chan, who was the Assistant Regional Director of the SEC Chicago Regional Office from 2000 to 2014, is joining...
Summary: Weil Gotshal & Manges announced this week that noted bankruptcy attorney Ray Schrock has left Kirkland & Ellis to join Weil’s...
Summary: Noted bankruptcy attorney Stephen Rutenberg joined Kaye Scholer LLP earlier this month. Rutenberg was a partner in the Bankruptcy & Restructuring...
Summary: Robinson+Cole, an AmLaw 200 law firm, announced this week that Leslie Levinson has joined the firm as co-chair of its Transactional...
Summary: Real estate attorney Christina Rogers leaves the Atlanta office of McKenna Long & Aldridge to join as the Chair of Atlanta...
Summary: Holland & Hart makes two significant additions to its Environment, Energy and Natural Resources practice group in Colorado. Garry Kaufman and...
Summary: Former Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Senior Litigation Counsel Thomas Lang has joined Haynes and Boone, LLP as a partner in the...
Summary: Samar S. Ali, an attorney known for advising Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam on economic development issues and the White House on...
Summary: SorinRand, a leading boutique law firm for start ups and emerging tech companies ins joining forces with McCarter & English. The...
Summary: Briggs and Morgan, P.A., a Minneapolis-based law firm, has announced that former Associate Supreme Court Justice for the Minnesota Supreme Court,...
Summary: Wayne H. Price, former immigration official and federal government attorney, joins Las Vegas-based personal injury law firm of Cohen & Padda....