Summary: A British lawyer was found guilty of dumping his beer on a woman. A lawyer poured beer over the head of a...
Summary: Mariah Carey threw Dick Clark Productions under the bus after her bad New Year’s Eve performance. In the year 2016, we mourned...
Summary: What practice areas are most desirable for law firms looking for lateral hires? Read the full report by Harrison Barnes here:...
Summary: On New Year’s day, a shooter killed 39 people in a Turkish nightclub. The hunt for the man who killed 39...
Summary: A South Carolina lawmaker was arrested for pulling a gun on his wife. The children of a Republican lawmaker can be heard...
Summary: France has passed a law that gives employees the right to ignore after-hours work emails. Imagine working eight to 12-hour days,...
Summary: Actor T.J. Miller has been sued for allegedly assaulting his private driver. After getting high on Whip-Its, Silicon Valley star T.J. Miller allegedly...
Summary: Technology is making formerly mundane legal tasks easier, but it is also taking over jobs. Should lawyers be worried? This month, Axiom...
Summary: Attorney Adam Baker of Knightdale is facing charges after taking money from a couple but never performing any services. A Southern...
Summary: A politician allegedly assaulted his 103 year-old disabled mother-in-law. William Springler is not going to be invited back to the nursing...
Summary: Run-DMC is suing retailers for selling unauthorized Run-DMC merchandise. Run-DMC’s acting like Wal-Mart and Amazon are Sucker MCs. The famous 1980s rap...
Summary: Law firms offer paternity leave, so why aren’t male attorneys taking it? To keep up with the times, law firms now...