Summary: The Charlotte School of Law is being sued for fraud by two law students. Two Charlotte School of Law students have...
Summary: The confessed killer of a Bridalplasty star has a history of animal cruelty. Bridalplasty star Lisa Marie Naegle was murdered this month, and...
Summary: The Hollywood Reporter has compiled a list of the ten greatest entertainment-related lawsuits of the year. 2016 was a strange year...
Summary: A man in Africa reportedly had sex with a goat. An African man allegedly was caught having sex with his neighbor’s goat....
Summary: Germany’s largest bank has agreed to pay the federal government billions of dollars to settle a misselling case. Deutsche Bank has...
Summary: While it’s the industry standard to follow the Cravath bonus scale, some firms are going above and beyond to reward their...
Summary: The top 10 craziest lawsuits from this year, according to the U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform. In our sue-happy country,...
Summary: Former rich girl Tori Spelling has some major money problems. Tori Spelling’s life looks charmed; but in actuality, she may be...
Summary: The IRS may take all of Michael Jackson’s earnings from the new movie, Despicable Me 3. The new movie Despicable Me 3 may be...
Summary: A conservative group has compiled a list of liberal professors to watch. There are watch lists for everything–Sex offenders. Terrorist groups....
Summary: The National Jurist has named the best schools for student bar exam preparation. The National Jurist has recognized 40 law schools...
Summary: The families of the Orlando Shooter’s victims want Google, Twitter, and Facebook to be held accountable for the killer’s crime. In...