Summary: Famed South African athlete Oscar Pistorius has been sentenced to six years in prison. Today, Oscar Pistorius was sentenced to six...
Summary: Money Inc. released a list of the 20 wealthiest lawyers in the world. Money Inc. recently announced the world’s richest lawyer,...
Summary: Religious-themed dating site Christian Mingle must now allow same-sex dating. Gay Christians want love too, and now previously straights-only dating site...
Summary: Cinemark is asking for the Aurora shooting victims’ families to pay their legal bill of $700,000. In a move that could...
Summary: A family is suing the TSA and Memphis International Airport for allegedly taking down their teenager daughter, a cancer patient. Deaf...
Summary: A judge has ruled that Mississippi’s discriminatory religious liberty law was unconstitutional. Mississippi’s religious freedom law has been declared unconstitutional. The law,...
Summary: Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz is being sued for fraud. Like their leader, Bernie Sanders’ supporters won’t back down,...
Summary: The subject of “Serial” has been granted a retrial in his murder case. Adnan Syed, the subject of NPR’s hit...
Summary: California and seven other states will decide on November 8 whether or not to legalize marijuana– recreationally, medicinally, or both. California...
Summary: A Florida man was found guilty of murdering law partner, Melissa Britt Lewis. After less than two hours of deliberation on...
Summary: A judge tossed a defamation lawsuit against disgraced media company, Rolling Stone. On Tuesday, a tarnished Rolling Stone heard good news...
Summary: In a new lawsuit, Airbnb claims they are not responsible for enforcing San Francisco’s rental law. Airbnb is at war with...