Summary: Bill Paxton’s estate is suing a surgeon and a hospital for the actor’s death in 2017. Bill Paxton’s family is suing...
Summary: A fired cop who refused to shoot a man won $175,000 in his wrongful termination lawsuit against his former police department....
Summary: The American Bar Association wants to ease restrictions on online legal education. The American Bar Association has proposed loosening its rules...
Summary: US intelligence officials said that Russia plans to meddle with the upcoming midterm elections. Russia is likely to meddle with the...
Summary: A lawsuit claims that Pharrell Williams’ websites are not accessible for blind users. Singer Pharrell Williams may sing about being “Happy,”...
Summary: Allen & Overy’s legal incubator can be a model for other law firms, Forbes stated. Less than a year ago, Allen...
Summary: The US military has updated the list of dishonorably discharged personnel banned from owning guns. Last November, an ex-military member killed...
Summary: New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman filed a lawsuit against the troubled Weinstein Company. An investment group planned to buy the...
Summary: An immigration debate at the University of Chicago Law School was canceled this week. On Monday, the University of Chicago Law...
Summary: Harvard Law School partnered with the Thailand Institute of Justice to create workshops in Bangkok. Recently, Harvard Law School has collaborated...
Summary: The plaintiffs in the lawsuit against air bag maker, Takata, say their lawyers are asking for too much money. A Florida...
Summary: The number of law school applications has increased this year. People want to go to law school again. Or at least...