Summary: The Los Angeles Times’ CEO was accused of sexual harassment at prior companies. The publisher and CEO of the Los Angeles...
Summary: A judge has dismissed Blac Chyna’s lawsuit against Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner. Kim Kardashian and her mother Kris Jenner were...
Summary: In response to reports that ICE will raid cities in Northern California, the state’s attorney general said it will prosecute employers...
Summary: Apple was ordered to pay $16 billion to Ireland, but the company will not be able to write off the money...
Summary: Mariah Carey is being sued for $3 million by concert promoters. Mariah Carey’s South American tour was canceled in 2016, and...
Summary: Amazon has chosen 20 cities as finalists for the location of its second headquarters. Amazon has honed its wishlist of cities...
Summary: Burke Ramsey’s lawsuit against CBS will move forward in court. Burke Ramsey said that he did not kill JonBenet Ramsey,...
Summary: Authorities revealed that indictments may come in the Las Vegas shooting case. In October 2017, Stephen Paddock committed the biggest mass...
Summary: A former CIA officer has been accused of giving intelligence secrets to China. A former CIA officer was arrested on Monday...
Summary: BCG Attorney Search founder Harrison Barnes has released a landmark new book, “Law Firm Diversity: How Race, Gender, Age, Social and Economic...
Summary: Law firms lack racial minorities and women, and one expert claims this is because of unconscious bias. Studies have shown that...
Summary: The man Eliza Dushku accused of sexual misconduct has recently been accused by two other women of similar behavior. Following Eliza...