Summary: A former employee of Steve Harvey claims that the game show host owes him money for charity fundraising. A former employee...
Summary: A former cab driver detonated a homemade bomb inside the New York City Port Authority on Monday. A 27-year-old man...
Summary: Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law will accept the GRE next year. Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law is joining many of...
Summary: Washington state is offering residents an affordable legal solution. As the legal industry is searching for ways to make justice more...
Summary: On Friday, Roy Moore’s accuser admitted to adding notes to the senate-candidate’s alleged yearbook inscription. Television viewers may remember Beverly...
Summary: Cesar Sanchez-Guzman alleges Bryan Singer anally raped him and then offered to help his career. On Thursday, Bryan Singer was sued...
Summary: Harvey and Bob Weinstein have been sued for allegedly organizing Harvey’s sex crimes. Alleged victims of Harvey Weinstein are fighting back,...
Summary: Senator Al Franken, a Democrat from Minnesota, will resign after numerous sexual harassment accusations. After multiple women accused Al Franken...
Summary: Time has awarded the title of 2017 Person of the Year to the “Silence Breakers” who came forward to fight sexual...
Summary: Terry Crews is suing WME and its agent Adam Venit. On Monday, Terry Crews filed a lawsuit against Adam Venit, the...
Summary: Brooklyn Law announced on Tuesday that it would accept the GRE for next year’s class. Brooklyn Law School will accept the Graduate...
Summary: Footage of singer Randy Travis’ arrest has been released. In 2012, Randy Travis was arrested for DWI in Texas. Earlier, he...