Summary: Fifteen states are suing the Trump Administration for ending the DACA program. After President Donald Trump revealed his decision to stop...
Summary: Mel B said her husband helped their nanny stay in the country so that he could sleep with her on the...
Summary: Hurricane Irma is the most powerful storm ever recorded in the Atlantic Ocean. Almost two weeks after Hurricane Harvey ravaged Texas,...
Summary: Three lawsuits were filed after reservoirs allegedly flooded homes following the storms of Hurricane Harvey. On Tuesday, a group of homeowners...
Summary: A woman who claims Usher exposed her to herpes said that she has a sex tape to prove their relationship. The...
Summary: Two artificial intelligence programs in the United Kingdom now provide affordable legal services to the masses. LISA and Billy have hooked...
Summary: Through Jeff Sessions, Donald Trump formally announced his decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. President Donald Trump is...
Summary: Prince William and Kate Middleton won their invasion of privacy lawsuit against two French publications. In 2012, Prince William and his...
Summary: Taylor Swift has filed trademarks to protect several phrases from her new album, “Reputation.” Taylor Swift has a new album and...
Summary: The nurse arrested for refusing to draw blood from an unconsenting man may file a lawsuit. Last week, a video of...
Summary: Lawyers have volunteered their time and expertise to help Houston residents affected by Hurricane Harvey. On Friday, Texas’s new law House...
Summary: Toni Basil is suing Disney and other media companies for unauthorized use of her catchy hit song. No matter what decade...