Summary: In September, Lady Gaga will appear in a deposition in the Dr. Luke and Kesha legal battle. After a formal request...
Summary: Two victims of Saturday’s car assault in Charlottesville are suing organizers and attendees of Unite the Right. The organizer of Unite...
Summary: A group of Brooklyn tenants is suing Kushner Companies. A new class action lawsuit claims that Jared Kushner’s family systematically bilked...
Summary: A writer said that two production companies stole his idea for a Natalee Holloway miniseries that will air on Oxygen network...
Summary: Taylor Swift won her civil lawsuit against former radio DJ, David Mueller. It’s official. He put his hand on her ass...
Summary: Journalist Yashar Ali has responded to the defamation lawsuit from Eric Bolling of Fox News. Journalist, Yashar Ali, is taking a...
Summary: The man accused of plowing down protesters with his car in Charlottesville cannot afford an attorney, and the local public defender...
Summary: On Monday, the jury in Taylor Swift’s case against DJ David Mueller will hear closing arguments. Taylor Swift’s trial against an...
Summary: A Kentucky couple claims they were harassed at an Amazon shipping facility. Amazon may have grown into the mega-giant retailer it...
Summary: The parent company of ABC News made a historically large payout, according to CNN. In 2012, ABC News aired a series of...
Summary: Chris Pratt and Anna Faris are legally separating after eight years of marriage. Chris Pratt and Anna Faris were an adorable...
Summary: Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have halted their divorce proceedings. Is Brangelina going to go the distance? On Wednesday, US Weekly said that...