Summary: Brandi Glanville asked a judge to dismiss a lawsuit that claims she slandered Joanna Krupa. The Real Housewives are known for being...
Summary: A death row inmate with allegedly fraudulent attorneys may die on July 27th, despite his plea for clemency. Death Row inmate...
Summary: Francisco Cortes is suing 21st Century Fox for ruining his reputation. For Fox News Latino executive, Francisco Cortes, the company’s decision...
Summary: In recently filed legal documents, Venus Williams said that she is not responsible for the death of Jerome Barson. Tennis superstar...
Summary: President Donald Trump announced on Twitter today that he would no longer allow transgender individuals to serve in the U.S. armed...
Summary: Four senators have introduced a bipartisan bill to create a congressional clerkship program. Four bipartisan senators introduced a bill today that...
Summary: Snopes said that its vendor refuses to relinquish its advertising revenue. Before we lived in a time where politicians quoted fake...
Summary: Donald Trump’s recent tweets about Jeff Sessions has many thinking he will soon fire the Republican Attorney General. It’s a well-known...
Summary: A second accuser claims Usher did not tell her about his herpes before they had unprotected sex. Usher has entertained the...
Summary: Ten migrants were killed due to heatstroke and dehydration while riding in the back of a smuggler’s truck. On Monday, James...
Summary: Charlie Gard’s parents said a doctor told them that he could no longer perform the experimental therapy on their terminally-ill son....
Summary: The R&B singer has been accused by a second woman of infecting her with the incurable STD. Usher may make you...