Summary: A jail in Tennessee offers inmates a reduced sentence if they agree to four-year birth control or a vasectomy. Officials in...
Summary: Sean Spicer is out, and Sarah Huckabee Sanders is in. After being mocked by the media and administrative insiders, Sean Spicer...
Summary: The art dealer who Madonna is fighting in court says that the Material Girl has a personal vendetta against her. Madonna...
Summary: Why should an attorney go in-house and how can an attorney find in-house counsel job? For many attorneys, working as in-house...
Summary: A New York judge blocked the sale of a letter from Tupac to Madonna that was expected to earn almost $400,000. ...
Summary: An Australian woman was shot by Minneapolis police after she called them for help. The family of Justine Damond wants justice....
Summary: Twenty state attorneys generals wrote a letter to Betsy Devos, stating that she should not change Title IX rules about campus...
Summary: A Dallas immigration attorney was indicted for arranging a fake marriage for his assistant. It was like the plot of The Proposal. A...
Summary: Radar Online recently uncovered a 2012 lawsuit that said Usher paid off an ex-lover after giving her herpes. Usher allegedly had a...
Summary: A Virginia Chipotle store had a norovirus outbreak recently. Just when you thought it was safe to eat a Chipotle burrito,...
Summary: The Baywatch actress and Prince muse filed for a permanent restraining order from a man who thinks they’re engaged. Carmen Electra is well-known...
Summary: Billboard Magazine has ranked the top law schools for aspiring music attorneys. While the music industry continues to evolve, it will...