Summary: In the middle of a high-profile defamation trial, ABC settled with the plaintiff, Beef Products Inc. On Wednesday, ABC and Beef...
Summary: On Saturday, recreational marijuana will be sold in Nevada. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, and now all the hedonists...
Summary: A judge has allowed the wrongful death lawsuit against Jim Carrey to move forward. Jim Carrey is being blamed for his...
Summary: Vault has released its list of the Best Law Firms to Work For based upon an associate survey. Paul Hastings has...
Summary: Monday kick-started the beginning of Martin Shkreli’s criminal trial. Martin Shkreli has earned the nicknames “Pharma Bro” and “The Most Hated...
Summary: Demi Moore has fired back in court against the parents of the man who died in her swimming pool. Demi Moore...
Summary: The family of Philando Castile, who was killed during a traffic stop, will receive $3 million from the city of St....
Summary: Johnny Depp’s ex-management company claims the actor physically abused his ex-wife Amber Heard. Last year, Amber Heard and her then-husband Johnny...
Summary: The Supreme Court has allowed travelers from six Muslim-majority countries to be banned from entering the U.S. if they have no...
Summary: An appeals court in Mississippi said that HB 1523 does not harm the state’s citizens. On Thursday, a federal appeals court...
Summary: Paul Manafort and Jeffrey Yohai are being investigated by the FBI for Yohai’s bad real estate deals. Paul Manafort and his...
Summary: Casey Kasem’s children and widow are fighting over who is to blame for his death. In 2014, popular radio host Casey...