Summary: A coal mine owner is suing comedian, John Oliver, for criticizing his business in a TV segment that aired last week. ...
Summary: A new study found that states, where marijuana is legalized, have more car crashes than other jurisdictions. Driving is a dangerous...
Summary: The GOP’s latest health care bill has been revealed to Senate voters. Republicans worked entirely in secret on the Senate health...
Summary: In a search for the right IP damages associate, Fisch Sigler has created a math question to suss out an applicant’s...
Summary: The family of Michael Brown has settled their wrongful death lawsuit against the city. In August 2014, unarmed black teenager Michael...
Summary: After accusations of sexual misconduct surfaced, “Bachelor in Paradise” will resume shooting in Mexico. “The Bachelor” franchise and its spinoffs were...
Summary: After receiving pressure from investors, Uber’s CEO and founder Travis Kalanick stepped down from the company on Tuesday night. Late Tuesday...
Summary: Michelle Carter was convicted of manslaughter for telling her boyfriend to kill himself via text messages. While her actions were deplorable,...
Summary: Bobby Flay is suing a New Jersey furniture maker for an allegedly unusable couch. Bobby Flay may know how to slay...
Summary: BYU Law is starting the design lab, LawX, in order to solve modern-day legal problems. In order to tackle some of...
Summary: Bill Cosby’s rape case ended in a mistrial this weekend. What will happen next? Bill Cosby escaped a criminal conviction on...
Summary: The Supreme Court has ruled that disparaging terms can be trademarked. On Monday, the Supreme Court struck down a federal law...