Summary: Rod Rosenstein is a man known for wanting “neutral ground,” according to The New York Times. Rod J. Rosenstein previously worked as...
Summary: Forbes states that with the changing legal industry, law firms that fail to update their technology risk losing business. This year,...
Summary: The jury selection has begun for the Bill Cosby rape trial. Reports of Bill Cosby allegedly drugging and raping almost 60...
Summary: On Friday, the Swedish government announced that it was no longer going to pursue a rape investigation against bail-jumper Julian Assange. ...
Summary: Steve Harvey has been accused of murdering the soul of his ex-wife. Steve Harvey is not a perfect man. While on...
Summary: As Anthony Weiner faces prison time for sexting a teenager, his wife Huma Abedin files for divorce. Sexting maniac and former...
Summary: Reuters said that Donald Trump’s presidential campaign was in contact with Russia at least 18 times during the last months of the 2016...
Summary: Two New Jersey attorneys have been indicted for stealing $140,000 from their clients. Two New Jersey law firm partners were indicted...
Summary; Robert Mueller was appointed to special counsel of the Trump-Russia investigation, but his law firm’s client list could cause a significant...
Summary: Bill Cosby told a radio host that he will not testify at his criminal trial next month. Bill Cosby doesn’t think...
Summary: Will more law firms be slammed with gender discrimination lawsuits? Some legal experts think yes. Last year, law firms Chadbourne & Parke...
Summary: Alan Thicke’s sons and third wife are fighting over his estate. Alan Thicke, the star of Growing Pains, was a beloved TV...