Summary: Johnny Depp has responded to his ex-managers’ claims that he squandered his millions. Once beloved quirky movie star, Johnny Depp, has...
Summary: Scarlett Johansson and Romain Dauriac are not the only celebrity couple to war over their offspring in family court. Divorces are messy, and...
Summary: An Ohio-based personal injury firm is being sued by former clients for allegedly defrauding them. Some personal injury attorneys have a...
Summary: The state of Michigan has proposed spending almost $100 million to replace the water pipes in Flint. Almost two weeks after...
Summary: Singer Louis Tomlinson will find out in a few days whether or not he will be charged for allegedly assaulting a...
Summary: A Portland resident made history by becoming the first legal “agender” person in the country. Transgender rights are a hot topic...
Summary: JD Journal has named the most outstanding healthcare boutiques in New Jersey. Note: These are BCG Attorney Search’s favorite healthcare boutiques...
Summary: JD Journal has identified the best law firms in Philadelphia that specialize in healthcare. Note: These are BCG Attorney Search’s favorite...
Summary: U.S. News Short List has released a ranking of the schools with the highest LSAT score averages. Until more schools follow...
Summary: Professor John R. Searle was sued this week for allegedly sexually harassing his 24-year-old assistant. The University of California–Berkeley has been...
Summary: A Florida woman has accused the Cash Me Outside Girl of giving her a beatdown in February. For anyone who has...
Summary: A disbarred immigration attorney was sentenced to 15 months in prison for lying on asylum applications. A Chicago lawyer known for...