Summary: A North Carolina attorney who moonlights as an Uber driver recorded a lying police officer bullying him. A North Carolina police officer learned...
Summary: Harvard Law is the second accredited law school to accept GRE scores. Harvard Law made a surprising announcement on Wednesday that...
Summary: The Olsen Twins settled a 2015 wage theft lawsuit for $140,000. You want interns to work for free, Olsen Twins? How rude!...
Summary: Briony Clarke, 31, was sworn in as a judge this week. The United Kingdom has just gotten its youngest female judge...
Summary: Actress Scarlet Johansson has filed for divorce from her estranged husband. While life in Hollywood seems glitzy and fun, it is...
Summary: JD Journal has identified the top white collar litigation boutiques in our nation’s capital. Note: These are BCG Attorney Search’s favorite...
Summary: Wikileaks has released a report that the CIA is now hacking into our personal devices to spy on us. It’s not...
Summary: Celebrity lawyer Perry Wander is helping file a $500,000 lawsuit for two Swedish women who were mauled by dogs in Arizona....
Summary: Cher’s legal team asked a New York judge to dismiss a $5 million copyright infringement lawsuit filed against her. Are typefaces...
Summary: A class action lawsuit claims almost 60,000 ICE detainees were forced into slavery. A lawsuit claims that U.S. Immigration and Customs...
Summary: A new travel ban will take effect on March 16. President Donald Trump’s travel ban is getting a makeover. Today, it...
Summary: A high school student is suing his former P.E. teacher for harassment. A high school boy, who claimed his teacher bullied him,...