Summary: A frat boy lost an eye during a drunken streaking accident. Despite an anti-hazing rule in place, one Linfield College student...
Summary: ZeniMax Media has won $500 million in its case against Facebook and the virtual reality company, Oculus. After less than a...
Summary: Job hunting for legal positions can be time consuming and fruitless, but LawCrossing Concierge offers a solution. Finding a job is a tough...
Summary: Disney and its companies Pixar and Lucasfilm agreed to settle an animation workers’ lawsuit for $100 million. This week, the Walt...
Summary: JD Journal recognizes four of the best corporate boutiques in Silicon Valley. Note: These are BCG Attorney Search’s favorite corporate boutiques...
Summary: A countersuit claims that the extremely wealthy Johnny Depp is overspending. Pirates of the Caribbean star Johnny Depp spends a whole lot of...
Summary: Personal finance website, Sofi, ranks the best and worst law schools based on graduates’ finanacials. There are plenty of articles that...
Summary: Jordan Belfort confirms that the producers of The Wolf of Wall Street were criminals. It takes one to know one, and the Wolf...
Summary: JD Journal has compiled a list of the top Chicago litigation boutiques of 2017. Note: These are BCG Attorney Search’s favorite...
Summary: Trump’s immigration ban has resulted in huge controversy. Reality star-turned-45th President of the United States Donald Trump knows how to make...
Summary: A jury ruled in favor of Steve Harvey during a $50 million contract dispute case. Name someone who just avoided paying $50...
Summary: JD Journal ranks the top thirteen boutique litigation firms in New York City. Note: These are BCG Attorney Search’s favorite litigation...