Breaking News

NFL Player Adrian Peterson Will Face Trial in December

Summary: Adrian Peterson, who is accused of striking his young son so hard that he left welts on the child’s…

If You Enjoy Water Sports, You’ll Love These Crazy Water Crafts

Summary: Devin Graham filmed the antics of himself and his buddies playing around with watercrafts that can dive underwater and…

Man Explains How He Thinks He is Bisexual

Summary: A young man took to video to talk about his lifestyle and how he thinks he is bisexual even though…

Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Decision Opens Marriage to Nearly 7 In 10 of Same-Sex Couples In the U.S.

Summary: A press release just released by the Williams Institute estimates that same-sex marriage is now available for nearly 7…

Chef Murders and Cooks Girlfriend Before Committing Suicide

Summary: An Australian chef and his girlfriend had a seemingly normal relationship, but police discovered that the chef had murdered,…

Supreme Court Rejects Gay Marriage Appeals

Summary: The Supreme Court declined hearing the appeals from several states on the issue of same-sex marriage, which means that…

Sperm Bank Sued by Woman Who Received Incorrect Sperm

  Summary: A sperm bank from Ohio is being sued by a white woman for incorrectly sending her vials of sperm…

Young Boy from Ferguson Discusses Jobs, Race and Police Brutality

Summary: An 11-year-old boy from Ferguson, Marquis Govan, sat down with a reporter recently to discuss all things Ferguson, including jobs…

Witty Ads that Grab Your Eyes

Summary: Pictures of witty and effective advertisements. Though we visit museums to purview high art and have our soul opened,…

Obama Administration Will Provide 9 Million Dollars in Legal Services to Undocumented Children

Summary: The Obama administration announced that over the next two years, roughly $9 million will be provided to undocumented children…

Christian Preacher Drowned Out by Christian Students Singing About Love

Summary: A Christian preacher was talking to students about homosexuality and sins when a group of Christian students decided to drown…

Exquisite Photos to Expose the Beauty Around You

Summary: A set of exquisite photos that teach us how beautiful our everyday world can be. Over 2,000 years ago,…