Breaking News

Ashton Kutcher Tells Teens the Real Way to be Sexy

Summary: Actor Ashton Kutcher decided to use his acceptance speech at a recent awards ceremony to tell teenagers what it means…

Labour Party Warns that the Tory Party will Deny Justice to Rape Victims

Summary: After the Tory party has suggested Britain scrap the Human Rights Act, the Labour party has organized a campaign…

The Greatest Post-Game Speech of All-Time is Given by a Little League Coach

Summary: The coach of the Rhode Island Little League team gave one of the most inspiring post-game speeches after his team…

“The Notebook” Sparks Romance Between Brother and Sister

Summary: A pair of siblings in Georgia was apprehended shortly after committing incest in a church parking lot. The Huffington…

Corruption Trial Continues with Defense of Former First Lady Maureen McDonnell

Summary: Maureen McDonnell, former first lady of Virginia, testified today in the trial that accuses her and her husband, former…

Evidence Suppressed in Aaron Hernandez Case

Summary: Judge E. Susan Garsh ruled that evidence obtained from two cell phones and three tablets will not be admissible…

Woman Discusses Naturalization Process in the United States

Summary: A woman decided to record thoughts about her naturalization in the United States. She discusses how she grew to learn…

NFL Issues Rebuttal to Lawsuit Filed by Oakland Raiders Cheerleaders

Summary: The National Football League filed a rebuttal on August 5 to the lawsuit filed by cheerleaders for the Oakland Raiders…

Argentina Blaming Cleary Gottlieb for Defaulting on Bonds

Summary: The country of Argentina is blaming the law firm of Cleary Gottlieb for the default on its bonds from last…

Man Calls 911 to Report a Stripper Wouldn’t Prostitute Herself to Him

Summary: A man visiting a strip club in Montana grows irate when a stripper won't have sex with him, and…

Delaware First State to Grant Heirs Access to Online Accounts

Summary: Delaware has become the first state to pass a law allowing heirs to inherit digital access to online accounts, such…

7-Year-Old Reports His Mother’s Meth Lab

  Summary: A 7-year-old boy recently turned in his mom to police after showing the meth lab she had in the…