Breaking News

YouTube Removes Bikini Video of Kate Upton

Kate Upton made a major splash on the cover of this year’s Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition and now she is…

University of Chicago Releases Survey Data on Religion Across the Globe

A report recently released discusses the strength of people’s belief in God in 30 countries and how their beliefs changed…

Priest Admits to Watching Porn with 14-Year-Old, but Nothing Else

A priest accused of child endangerment had admitted in 2008 to watching pornography with a 14-year-old boy under his care,…

There was a Second Gunman at RFK’s Assassination.

It’s been there since 1968, but Nina Rhodes-Hughes is finally ready to put her anger to rest regarding what she…

Seven Killed in Bronx Zoo Vehicle Plunge

On Sunday, an SUV skidded across three lanes of traffic and fell off a highway 60 feet onto the grounds…

One World Trade Center to Reach 1,250 Feet Today

On Monday, One World Trade Center, will hit the point of construction that makes it the tallest building in New…

Speaker John Boehner Said ‘Americans Do Not Vote for a Loser’

Speaker John Boehner, Republican from Ohio, said on Sunday that the background and wealth of Mitt Romney will not prevent…

Mitt Romney to Declare Victory in New Hampshire Speech

A speech in Manchester, New Hampshire will feature Mitt Romney declaring himself the the nominee of the Republican party. The…

Farewell Intercourse Law Proposed in Egypt

The most shocking news of the day comes out of Egypt. Proposals that would permit Egyptian husbands to have intercourse…

Catholic School Teacher Fired for In Vitro Fertilization

Emily Herx, a teacher from Indiana, is filing a lawsuit against the school she taught at in a case that…

Ohio Man Utilizes Facebook to Punish Daughter

A photo was posted to a Facebook page for an Ohio teen that has a red ‘X’ over the girl’s…

Marine Discharged for Facebook Comments Will Take His Case Federal if Needed

Sgt. Gary Stein has been given an other-than-honorable discharge for his anti-Obama comments on Facebook; now he is seeking legal…