Summary: James Holmes, the shooter behind the Aurora, Colorado theater massacre, will serve the rest of his days in prison. According to...
Summary: North Korea has their own calendar and now they will have their own time zone that is 30 minutes behind other...
Summary: Two 19-year-old girls hid heroin in their vagina after a traffic stop, one was unable to later remove the package on...
Summary: Aldon Smith is facing legal trouble again after being arrested on Thursday night. According to The Guardian, San Francisco 49ers linebacker...
Summary: Just months after his team won the Stanley Cup, Patrick Kane is being investigated for raping a woman in his waterfront...
Summary: Former inmates in California are now able to vote after the state reversed they policy in their attempt to increase voting...
Summary: Geneva Reed-Veal has filed a wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of her daughter, Sandra Bland, who died last month in her...
Summary: James Holmes, the man behind the deadly Aurora, Colorado theater massacre, may still face the death penalty, the jury has decided....
Summary: The University of Cincinnati police officer that fatally shot Samuel Dubose during a traffic stop was charged with murder and manslaughter...
Summary: Another employee for Wilson Sonsini has been charged with illegal trading. He used the firm’s computer system to find information on...
Summary: After years of investigations and associates of Fattah being charges, Fattah is finally hit with charges of racketeering, bribery, fraud and...
Summary: There is no doubt that Tom Brady was involved in deflating the footballs for the AFC Championship game, but the NFLPA...