Summary: Adrian Peterson, who is accused of striking his young son so hard that he left welts on the child’s skin, will...
Summary: Devin Graham filmed the antics of himself and his buddies playing around with watercrafts that can dive underwater and leap into...
Summary:Â A young man took to video to talk about his lifestyle and how he thinks he is bisexual even though he has...
Summary: A press release just released by the Williams Institute estimates that same-sex marriage is now available for nearly 7 in 10...
Summary: An Australian chef and his girlfriend had a seemingly normal relationship, but police discovered that the chef had murdered, dismembered, and...
Summary: The Supreme Court declined hearing the appeals from several states on the issue of same-sex marriage, which means that lower court...
Summary:Â A sperm bank from Ohio is being sued by a white woman for incorrectly sending her vials of sperm from an...
Summary:Â An 11-year-old boy from Ferguson, Marquis Govan, sat down with a reporter recently to discuss all things Ferguson, including jobs and police....
Summary: Pictures of witty and effective advertisements. Though we visit museums to purview high art and have our soul opened, let us...
Summary: The Obama administration announced that over the next two years, roughly $9 million will be provided to undocumented children of illegal...
Summary:Â A Christian preacher was talking to students about homosexuality and sins when a group of Christian students decided to drown him out...
Summary: A set of exquisite photos that teach us how beautiful our everyday world can be. Over 2,000 years ago, Socrates made...