The drama around NSA leaker Edward Snowden continues to intensify as the news come rolling in. First, we hear Snowden has left...
A court document unsealed on Friday at a federal court in the Eastern District of Virginia showed that Edward Snowden has been...
On Friday, U.K.’s Information Commissioner’s Office announced that Google has about a month to delete all information collected ‘accidentally’ by its Street...
Singapore is up in smoke now that neighboring Indonesian farmers are selfishly clearing the land by burning trees on Sumatra. People remain...
On Wednesday, the Boston School Committee approved a policy to distribute free condoms for students to all 32 public high schools and...
Any old lawyer or doctor can pony up for a BMW or some other status-establishing vehicle with a namesake sure to make...
On Tuesday, Google Inc requested the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to allow it to publish the numbers of requests it receives...
Laura Gambrel wanted just a small celebration for graduating from Indiana University in May; after all, she was going on to grad...
When asked a reasonably straightforward question during the Miss USA pageant, Miss Utah USA Marissa Powell was unable to provide a straightforward...
A 5 year-old girl’s lemonade stand can sometimes be more than just a place to get a cold drink. This weekend, Jayden...
On Sunday, North Korea proposed to have high-level talks on “regional peace” with the U.S., insisting that there be no preconditions to...
France’s burkha ban is being pressed to the limit as nonconformists ignore the laws. Two incidents on Wednesday are revealing what an...