The congregation of the Apostolic Truth Tabernacle Church in Greensburg, Indiana, provided a child with a standing ovation after the child sang...
On Wednesday, ‘Fox and Friends’ aired a video lasting four minutes. The video was dubbed as being a ‘look back’ at the...
Experts have named a life-threatening illness the ‘new AIDS of the Americas.’ This problem can be caused by insects that suck blood....
A spokesman for Donald Trump, Michael Cohen, said that Trump does not want to discuss where President Barack Obama was born. Cohen...
Russia is being forced to revise its defense of Syria now that over a hundred men, women, and an alarming number of...
Marina Keegan, a 22-year-old from Wayland, Massachusetts, died after a car crash in Cape Cod over the holiday weekend. Keegan graduated from...
An honor student from Texas, Diane Tran, had to spend the night in jail last week after she missed a handful of...
Chris Hayes, from MSNBC, caused a bit of a controversy over the weekend when he said that he was ‘uncomfortable’ describing soldiers...
A video of protestors posted on Friday afternoon has gone viral. The video is a black and white video that shows protestors...
It’s getting harder and harder to be holy nowadays. Barry Bujol, a 30-year-old convert to Islam from Hempstead Texas, found his every...
It should come to no surprise that the charity Jerry Sandusky created in 1977, and subsequently used as if it were his...
On Wednesday, legislation was introduced by Senator Ron Wyden, a Democrat from Oregon, which would protest the refusal of the Obama administration...