The former mistress of John Edwards, who has received a lot of controversy within the past few years after cheating on his...
An ex-University of Virginia lacrosse player has been found guilty of second degree murder in the death of his girlfriend, Yeardley Love....
Westlaw and LexisNexis are two legal database companies that are being sued by two lawyers willing to take the leap against them...
There has been an increase of 73 percent in private law school tuition figures from 2000 to 2010. The tuition was $21,790...
Black bears are becoming more and more of a nuisance across the country as national parks are not the only places where...
Bill Weir of Nightline was granted access to Foxconn, one of the Chinese suppliers for the tech giant Apple. The reason for...
The payroll tax cut was signed by President Barack Obama on Wednesday marking a rare bipartisan agreement in the fight over the...
TakeAction Minnesota, a liberal organization, ran a press conference Monday that condemned the promotion of a voter ID law in the state...
BMW has released photos of a new body style for one of its vehicles. The automaker, of Bavarian decent, has expanded the...
Right off of the Great Keppel Island, near the southern Great Barrier Reef, a shark decided to devour another whole bamboo shark....
A man from southeastern Pennsylvania has been locked up after he decided to go on a nude shopping excursion in a Walmart...
A federal lawsuit has been fired against the Better Business Bureau of Central Florida by the law form of KEL. The lawsuit...