Summary: A sixth flight has reported a window-related accident in the past month. A Chinese airplane had a horrific accident when a...
Summary: Despite controversy along the Israeli-Gaza border, the US opened its embassy in Jerusalem on Monday. On Monday, the US Embassy opened...
Summary: A 14-year-old in Palmdale, California was arrested for shooting another classmate on Friday. On Friday, a gunman entered Highland High School...
 Summary: After Iran attacked Golan Heights, Israel claimed it destroyed Iran’s military capabilities in Syria. Just days after Donald Trump announced...
Summary: The job site Glassdoor has been purchased by a Japanese firm for $1.2 billion. In an amazing cash deal, Japanese firm...
Summary: The US has withdrawn from the Iran nuclear deal. On Tuesday, President Donald Trump withdrew the US from the Iran nuclear...
Summary: The volcano, Kilauea, erupted on Hawaii’s Big Island last week. On Thursday, Hawaii’s Big Island was devastated by an eruption from...
Summary: Rudy Giuliani clarified today that Donald Trump did not know about Michael Cohen’s deal with Stormy Daniels until after the fact....
Summary: Donald Trump’s new lawyer stated that the president reimbursed Michael Cohen’s payment to porn star, Stormy Daniels. This month, President Donald...
Summary: A group of Republican lawmakers nominated President Donald Trump for his role in bringing peace to the Korean Peninsula. In a...
Summary: Seven conservative states are suing the White House to force them to end DACA. Seven states have come together to sue...
Summary: President Donald Trump has been given a list of questions that Special Counsel Robert Mueller plans to ask him during their...