Summary: Roy Moore is trying to stop Doug Jones from being certified as the winner of the Alabama Senate election in December. Late...
Summary: There are now less than 1,000 ISIS fighters in Iraq and Syria. On Tuesday, U.S. military officials said that under Trump’s...
Summary: With the Matt Lauer sexual harassment scandal, NBC is taking steps to prevent future incidents by issuing a new set of...
 Summary: A topless protestor was thwarted trying to steal the baby Jesus. On Christmas Day, a woman was detained by Vatican...
Summary: On Twitter, President Donald Trump attacked FBI Acting Director Andrew McCabe after he indicated he wanted to retire soon. For this...
Summary: On December 20, Apple admitted they use algorithms to slow older iPhones. This week, Apple admitted that it intentionally slowed down...
Summary: The DOJ asked the FBI to share their results of the probe into the Uranium One deal. Prosecutors from the Department...
Summary: GOP-controlled Congress has passed a sweeping tax bill. On Wednesday, the Senate approved a tax bill,51-48, with Vice President Mke Pence...
Summary: On Tuesday, a report was released that showed thousands of taxpayer dollars were used to settle sexual harassment complaints. The House...
Summary: Numerous men from various industries have recently quit their jobs after sexual harassment scandals. Now that the country has entered the...
Summary: Trump’s latest judicial nominee stumbled to answer basic legal questions in a video that has gone viral. Job interviews can be...
Summary: The Walt Disney Company is buying 21st Century Fox’s entertainment assets. On Thursday, the Walt Disney Company announced that it was...