Summary: Matt Lauer has been fired from the “Today” show. NBC News announced on Wednesday that they had fired long-time anchor, Matt...
Summary: South Korea made a surprising statement about the advanced stage of North Korea’s nuclear program a day before the country tested...
Summary: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau found itself with two acting directors vying for command over the agency Monday morning. There may...
Summary: An appeals court doubled Oscar Pistorius’ murder sentence to 15 years. Former South African sprint runner, Oscar Pistorius, was sentenced to...
Summary: This week Uber disclosed it had paid hackers $100,000 to not publicly disclose a data breach that affected 57 million people...
 Summary: Ratko Mladic was convicted of war crimes on Wednesday. Ratko Mladić who earned the nickname “The Butcher of Bosnia” was...
Summary: Am Law 200 law firm, Sedgwick, will close in January 2018. Sedgwick has confirmed that it will close its doors in...
Summary: On Monday, a federal judge stopped Trump’s executive order regarding sanctuary cities. A federal judge permanently blocked President Donald Trump’s executive...
Summary: Robert Mugabe, president of Zimbabwe, will resign from his position after the country rose up against him and considered impeachment. Zimbabwe...
Summary: The DOJ filed a lawsuit to block AT&T’s takeover of rival Time Warner. On Monday, the Department of Justice filed a...
Summary: Charles Manson died on Sunday at the age of 83. Cult leader Charles Manson died on Sunday evening. The 83-year-old was...
Summary: Learn what is in the tax reform bill that passed the House and could soon be affecting your taxes. The tax...