Summary: The ABA’s new task force will investigate why bar passage rates are falling. On Wednesday, the American Bar Association (ABA) announced...
Summary: In response to the neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, the mayor of Baltimore had all Confederate statues removed from the city...
Summary: Two victims of Saturday’s car assault in Charlottesville are suing organizers and attendees of Unite the Right. The organizer of Unite...
Summary: The man accused of plowing down protesters with his car in Charlottesville cannot afford an attorney, and the local public defender...
Summary: A judge has asked for an additional investigation into emails to or from Clinton in her account since they were...
Summary: Adobo ranked the best cities to live in for legal jobs. When determining where to live, people consider several factors. These...
Summary: Paul Manafort is known as a key player in the FBI’s investigation into Russia’s involvement in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. ...
Summary: Google fired James Damore, an engineer who wrote a memo arguing the company should remove gender and racial diversity initiatives. Google...
Summary: Facing economic sanctions from the United Nations, North Korea said that it refuses to relinquish its nuclear weapons. On Sunday, the...
Summary: The Department of Education said that it may not forgive student loans as promised after all. For law school graduates, there...
Summary: Attorney General Sessions is placing greater importance on investigating unauthorized leaks by putting more resources into the investigations. Just months into...
Summary: 50.8 percent of Harvard University’s incoming freshman class is a racial minority. Harvard’s push to increase diversity on its campus has...