Summary: The Department of Justice official Mary McCord will leave her position in May. How much influence did Vladimir Putin have on...
Summary: The former teacher and his student that went missing 5 weeks ago were found hiding out in a cabin in northern...
Summary: On Monday, a North Korean representative threatened nuclear war with the United States. Will President Donald Trump lead us into a...
Summary: Former New England tight end Aaron Hernandez was acquitted in the double murder of Daniel de Abreu and Safiro Furtado in...
Summary: The largest non-nuclear bomb that the U.S. has was just dropped on eastern Afghanistan in an area known to be an...
Summary: A New York judge was found dead in the Hudson River this week. On Wednesday, a prominent New York judge was...
Summary: Taiwan made a big step by outlawing the consumption and sale of dog and cat meat. If you were hoping to...
Summary: In light of the recent events at United Airlines, Jimmy Kimmel came out with this honest commercial. Watch this blatantly honest...
Summary: Can the doctor who was ejected from a United flight this week win a lawsuit against the airline? It was the manhandling...
Summary: The convicted white supremacist responsible for shooting nine innocent people at a church has pleaded guilty to the federal charges, making...
Summary: The Trump administration authorized a missile attack on a Syrian air base assumed to be the source of a chemical attack...
Summary: After Democrats blocked the nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, Republicans have decided to follow the Harry Reid’s example...