Summary: A secret service uniformed officer was arrested and then fired for enticing minors to engage in sexual activity. Lee Robert Moore...
Summary: A racist couple has been sentenced to prison for terrorizing a black child’s birthday party in 2015. In 2015, a group...
Summary: An Idaho high school student accused of assaulting a fellow football teammate was sentenced to probation despite the monstrosity of the...
Summary: SpaceX is taking steps forward to prepare two tourists to launch into space for a trip around the moon. Two tourists...
Summary: Influential TV judge Joseph Wapner died this week at the age of 97. “I know you’ve been sworn. I’ve read your...
Summary: The White House held a closed press meeting instead of the typical televised briefing where select news outlets were not invited...
Summary: A Kansas man killed an Indian engineer after yelling “get out of my country.” A Kansas man was charged this week...
Summary: Arsenio Hall plans to drop his $5 million defamation lawsuit against Sinead O’Connor after she issued an apology, retracting her allegation...
Summary: A federal appeals court upheld a lower ruling that the listed assault weapons and ammunition magazine limits of a Maryland ban...
Summary: Former Olympic athletes claim a USA Gymnastics doctor sexually abused them. Forty former USA Gymnastics team members filed a lawsuit against...
Summary: More angry users are calling for a boycott of Uber after allegations of sexual harassment emerged on a former employee’s blog....
Summary: Dr. Christopher Dunstch was convicted of maiming an elderly patient during surgery. In Texas, he was known as “Dr. Death.” A surgeon...