Summary: Eight states have proposed laws that could negatively impact peaceful protesting. There is no doubt that the United States is experiencing...
Summary: In a unanimous ruling, the Supreme Court has dismissed the appeal of a strict Texas voter ID law. On Monday, the Supreme...
Summary: A flopped movie is the least of Veritas Entertainment, Mike Huckabee, and a number of others problems as a class action...
Summary: JPMorgan has settled a discrimination lawsuit for $55 million. Imagine paying more for your mortgage than someone else with your same...
Summary: The widow of Orlando nightclub shooter Omar Mateen has been charged with supporting her husband in his attack, bringing with it...
Summary: The wife of Pulse nightclub shooter Omar Mateen has been arrested after a seven month investigation turned back to her. After...
Summary: The Justice Department concluded their year-long report to find that the Chicago Police Department frequently uses excessive force. After a 13-month...
Summary: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has accused Fiat Chrysler of hiding their diesel emissions levels with undetected software. The U.S. Environmental...
Summary: The Charleston Shooter has been sentenced to death. White supremacist Dylann Roof was sentenced to death for killing nine black church-goers....
Summary: Millions will see raises thanks to mandated minimum wage increases. This week, millions of Americans saw a bump in their paychecks....
Summary: Four teens were arrested for torturing a special needs student in Chicago. AÂ horrifying torture video was posted on Facebook Live on...
Summary: ITT Tech is moving through bankruptcy proceedings, but hundreds of former students have taken action to make the company be held...