Summary: A former teacher slit his own throat in court after he was found guilty of sexually assaulting a child. A former...
Summary: The mostly female jury came back after hours of deliberation to find basketball star Derrick Rose and his friends not guilty...
Summary: The man, who shot at acquitted murderer George Zimmerman, was sentenced to 20 years in prison. Today, the man who shot...
Summary: The Department of Justice will start collecting police shooting data on a national level. As tensions build between minority communities and...
Summary: A summons issued for misconduct in office for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie comes with a maximum ten year sentence in...
Summary: Another gender discrimination lawsuit has been filed against Yahoo alleging discrimination against male employees. A twist in gender discrimination allegations is...
Summary: Find out what each market is experiencing in terms of hot practice areas and slow practice areas across the country. This...
Summary: Obama’s last ditch effort during his Presidency to setup programs to help undocumented immigrants receive the proper work documentation was denied....
Summary: Police have arrested a woman for allegedly facilitating the hit on FSU Law professor, Dan Markel. On Saturday, police in Tallahassee arrested a...
Summary: Alabama Chief Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore has been suspended, effective immediately. Alabama Chief Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore defied the...
Summary: A Houston gunman killed by police turned out to be an attorney that was upset with his law firm. Houston police...
Summary: The police officer who shot and killed Terence Crutcher has been charged with manslaughter. A female Tulsa police officer has been...