Summary: The Supreme Court clerks for 2016-2017 have been announced. The incoming group of Supreme Court clerks will begin their duties in October, and...
Summary: Debbie Wasserman Schultz has announced she will step down as DNC chairwoman. On Monday, Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz...
Summary: After accusations of sexual harassment, Fox News CEO Roger Ailes has resigned from his position with the conservative news company. Fox...
Summary: While lying on the ground with his arms in the air, a Florida man was still shot by police. Charles Kinsey,...
Summary: Reports say Fox News CEO Roger Ailes may step down from the network. After allegations of sexual harassment, Fox News CEO...
Summary: Microsoft takes on the government again over their desire to access customer accounts regardless of the location of the data. The...
Summary: Another Baltimore City police officer has been reached in the case regarding the mistreatment and death of Freddie Gray. The highest-ranking...
Summary: Police have identified Sunday’s Baton Rouge shooter as Gavin Eugene Long, an admitted member of sovereign citizens. On Sunday morning, there...
Summary: Herbalife has settled a lawsuit with the Federal Trade Commission by agreeing to pay $200 million and changing its business model. ...
Summary: Donald Trump has begun a bitter legal battle with his ex-staffer Sam Nunberg. Donald Trump fired Sam Nunberg from working on his...
Summary: A female student told the Boston Globe that after being groped on campus a school minister told her abuser to deliver...
Summary: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg are already setting off on a bumpy road that...