One of the most beloved and recognizable television personalities, Dick Clark, passed away at the age of 82 on Wednesday. Clark was...
Britney Spears is in the news once again and this time the news is not bad. It has been rumored that Spears...
The Secret Service will be investigating comments made by rocker Ted Nugent, who has backed Mitt Romney in the presidential campaign. Nugent...
Marland Anderson, a porn star who is known as Sledge Hammer, was tased by police until he went into cardiac arrest....
Every now and then you hear people ask about Tupac. ‘Is he still alive?’ ‘How can he still be releasing new songs?’...
Amanda Bynes hit the nightclubs again the other night, the second time she has done so since her arrest for DUI earlier...
Bringing the curtains down on their seven-year long marriage, early this week, Latin pop singer Marc Anthony filed for divorce from Jennifer...
This coming Saturday, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame will hold its annual induction ceremony in Cleveland, Ohio. One of the...
Kim Kardashian sure knows how to make waves whenever cameras or reporters are around her. She does not need a reality show...
Actress Lindsay Lohan has not been off probation for too long; it has been less than two weeks. Now she has been...
This season of ‘Dancing with the Stars’ has not been kind to the stars performing on the show. Maria Menounos has suffered...
According to her father, Amanda Bynes was not drunk when she was arrested for DUI on Friday, just very emotional. “She was...