Though, admittedly, Lindsay’s return to the public on SNL was cautious and cued, fans and show stars put their weight behind Lindsay’s...
Limbaugh’s lame apology over the Sandra Fluke incident seems to have come too late to prevent the exodus of advertisers from his...
Rush Limbaugh, the conservative radio host decided to reverse his stance on Saturday regarding his comments about a law student from Georgetown...
Lindsay Lohan has been receiving mixed thoughts regarding her stint as the host of ‘Saturday Night Live’ this past weekend but not...
One of the most boisterous and recognizable reality television personalities, Snooki, has been the subject of rumors recently regarding her status with...
Rush Limbaugh, Republican pundit, has called a Georgetown Law School Student, Sandra Fluke, in words we should find surprisingly unsurprising, a “slut,”...
Recently we have seen a group of female comedians posing nude, or nearly nude, in male magazines. Many believe that posing nude...
U.S. distribution rights to a documentary on the life of disgraced and convicted attorney Marc Dreier have been acquired by a company...
After being threatened with a lawsuit over its video game “Joustin Beaver†and receiving the threat of a lawsuit from Justin Bieber’s...
Actor Sacha Baron Cohen, originally uninvited by the Academy to the Oscars, was permitted to attend the ceremony on Sunday night in...
The annual Academy Awards, or the Oscars if you prefer, were held in California last night. Billy Crystal hosted the show for...
Actress Sean Young was arrested following the Academy Awards on Sunday night. She was reportedly arrested by police because she was trying...